Webinar recording: Nanofibrous Materials for Medical Applications

Nov 9, 2022

Fibers and fiber materials are exceptional in terms of properties as well as the flexibility and variability of technological processes leading to a vast number of variants of the resulting products. The realization that the fiber is a unique structural unit of materials leads to an understanding of the uniqueness and inimitability of the properties of fiber materials. The creation of nanofibrous polymer materials using electrospinning offers the possibility of creating materials mimicking - imitating extracellular matter and thereby encouraging their use for medical applications such as wound covers, cell carriers (scaffolds) for tissue engineering or drug delivery systems. The result of clinical testing of the electrospun nanofibrous biodegradable wound cover will be presented. 




About speakers:

Prof. David Lukáš is the head of the Department of Bioengineering at the Faculty of Science, Humanities, and Education of the Technical University of Liberec. He is a leading expert in the physical principles of polymer nanofiber formation, author of numerous patents, and author of significant publications in the field of electrospinning (both DC and AC). In teaching, he focuses not only on the physical principles of nanofiber formation but also on polymer physics, biophysics, and stereology. He is the guarantor of the follow‑up Master's study program in Bioengineering at the Faculty of Science, TUL, both in Czech and fully in English. Prof. Lukáš is an emeritus rector of the Technical University of Liberec and also a Fulbright Honorary Ambassador.


Doc. Eva Kuželová Košťáková is a member of the Department of Bioengineering at the Faculty of Science, Humanities, and Education of the Technical University of Liberec. She specializes in materials engineering related to the creation and testing of fibrous materials for medical applications. Since 2001, she has been part of Prof. David Lukáš's team. In teaching, she focuses on subjects such as Biomaterials for Medical Applications, Wetting of Fibrous Materials, Materials for Tissue Scaffolds, and Introduction to Bioengineering. She is the guarantor of the Bachelor's study program in Bioengineering at the Faculty of Science, TUL. She is a co‑author of several patents, not only in the field of electrospinning (both DC and AC), and has published dozens of articles in WOS (Web of Science).


About Technical University of Liberec:

The Technical University of Liberec (TUL) is a dynamic university of medium size that joins forms of technical and university education. It is the only university in the Liberec Region. TUL is made up of seven faculties and one professional institute. Despite the name, it do not only focus on technical fields, but also educate economists, teachers, architects and other experts. TUL works with approximately 200 similarly focused institutions around the world and reaches excellent results in the fields of science and research. Let us mention the world‑wide unique discovery of industrial manufacturing technology of nano‑textiles – the Nanospider. These results, well‑known to the public, only increase the reputation of TUL. The Technical University of Liberec can also be proud of its good social, cultural and sports background. Only a few universities can offer such broad sporting possibilities.


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